Morning Has Broken

Morning Has Broken   12" x 12"   Oil on wrapped canvas   $200

A month ago I went to the Botanic Gardens earlier than I'm normally out of bed. It was a beautiful summer morning with low humidity. The sun, low in the sky, cast shadows like I had not witnessed before. I was rewarded for my early excursion.

I've been gone. I've actually been here, at home, but not so much in my studio. I gave myself permission to rest, to become fallow, replenish, refresh and do nothing.  Nothing turned out to be preparation for three exhibits, several house portraits and commission pieces, but I'm not compelled to post.  Not yet, anyway. I'll share with you the triptych when it's hanging in Wisconsin.  I'll announce the shows on a different day. For tonight, I'm just dipping my toes back into the pond and sharing a rose that dazzled my senses.  She will be in one of my shows. But more about that next time. 


Camellia Blue

"Camellia Blue"
12" x 12"
Oil on wrapped canvas 
A year ago I went to a flower show in Chicago. I painted this white camellia from photos I took while there. Tonight I revisited that white camellia, sort of gray, actually, and gave her a makeover. She is theatrically stunning tonight. Ready for her closeup. 

The white camellia no longer exits as she did a year ago. I glazed over her with color in the style of a New York artist I found in an Art Expo Magazine.  Irina Gretchanaia  is the painter/source/inspiration of my new verve.  Our basic subject matter is the same, but now my flower has more... life.



24" x 24"
Oil on wrapped canvas
Two years ago, to the day, I photographed this peony on my way to work. She was in the yard where all the white roses would eventually bloom along the white picket fence. She appears to be moonlit, therefore, the title. And if you know me at all, I adore the moon. 

This year the peonies are still in the "marble" stage. Mine won't be blooming for a while yet. I'm glad I had a photo to satisfy my longings for today's effort.


Sunshine and Shadow

"Sunshine and Shadow"
12" x 12"
Oil on wrapped canvas
Something cast a shadow across the petals of the yellow rose the morning I went to the Botanic Gardens to shoot subject matter. I didn't realize it until I got home and imported the images from my camera. I would have found the culprit and moved it, had I noticed while I was there. As it stands, the shadow gives this pretty little bloom somewhat of a tattoo. 


Evening Sunflower

"Evening Sunflower"
10" x 10"
Oil on hardboard

Around her coffee-colored face, she wore a headdress as bright as the sun itself. Sunset having taken its final bow, the event was about to begin. No one suspected that, despite a lifetime of performing, Sunny had butterflies ... in her stomach. 

This is a painting based on the photo on this week's Challenge.  It's been ages since I entered one of Carol Marine's Challenges, but this one seemed like the perfect subject to paint on the Fourth of July.

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