Heavenly Hollyhock

"Heavenly Hollyhock"
11" x 14"
Oil on wrapped canvas

Holly's ruffled petticoat fluttered in the sunlit garden like Marilyn's white "subway" dress in "The Seven Year Itch." 

I painted this heavenly hollyhock tonight in one sitting, ala prima, and with ONE brush. I normally use about eight to ten brushes during a painting. This one would have required more.  I purchased a brush on Friday that has realized my every painting fantasy. It's a number 4 Princeton Catalyst, a totally synthetic, polytip bristle brush. It was billed to remain responsive with water-based paint. I paint with water miscible oils, so I thought I'd try one; their smallest brush. This painting fairly painted itself as I willed the brush to do things I normally only dream possible. Wow. I want more of these!

