Snow in the Valley

"Snow in the Valley"
6" x 6"
Oil on panel
This is a break in the tree line along the road I travel with some regularity and one of the places I photograph on a weekly basis.  The light hits it differently as the seasons change.  There's also enough distance to be able to catch some haze on occasion.

I was given a tool that intrigued me.  A Colour Shaper, I'm told.  It's a pointed rubber nib on a stick.  I painted the panel black.  Let it dry, then painted it white.  While the paint was wet, I drew on it hard enough to see the black underneath.  When it was dry, I glazed a bit of blue onto the top two thirds.  Isn't experimentation fun?  

This painting can be seen in my Gallery on  It's also for sale through that web site.  

Thank you for visiting today. 

Stoic Oak

"Stoic Oak"
8" x 8"
Acrylic on canvas panel
Because I pushed my "publish" button on Friday before leaving for a couple days, my post for today doubled up and snuck in ahead of time.  Well, this one will have to do for the REAL October third.

This stoic oak is in the middle of a field in Bull Valley, Illinois.  He's an ornament in a place where crops grow for profit.  Someone made the decision to leave him there—to plow, seed, combine around him.  I've watched the seasons change around this oak—nodding his only acknowledgement of inclement or otherwise, with his leaves. 

Last week's Daily Paintworks Challenge was to paint autumn where I live. But the kicker is to tone the canvas with an unlikely color first. I painted on a blue/green and set about the business of knifing on some autumn colors to honor Mr. Oak, here, in a wheat field that has just been harvested.

This painting is part of a Challenge on, but will be auctioned as usual, and can be seen in my gallery on that site.

Thank you for visiting.

Before It Was A Golf Course

"Before It Was A Golf Course"
16" x 20"
Acrylic on a panel 
A photo plucked from a shoebox full of images became an exercise in creating something from—not a lot.  What I found out after it was completed was, where there were cornstalks, there now are greens.  It's a golf course in Bull Valley.

This was done entirely with a palette knife on a black gessoed panel.  Is that how you'd begin a snow scene?  I don't know what I was thinking to have begun on black, but it worked.

This painting is listed with, and for purchase through a Daily Paintworks Auction.

Thank you for visiting today.