Turban Squash

"Turban Squash"
9" x 12"
Oil on canvas panel
I had never touched a turban squash, let alone painted one, yet I plan to eat this one now that I've done both.  Apparently designed by a committee of fashion engineers, this beauty is cinched in at the waist in an attempt at containing her ample girth. Tres chic? Not hardly, but I'll bet this fat lady can sing! 

The background is another of my previously-painted panels, made just for displaying a single subject such as this.


My Gallery


9" x 12"
Oil on canvas panel
I painted with friends today; heard their sorrows, their joys and knew that I had been missed. There's something right about painting with people, every now and then. I'm a studio painter and paint alone 95% of the time, but being with this group makes my heart sing. 

I painted this squash from life while I was in Woodstock today. I also made a couple of new skies that I'll post over the next couple of days. It was a productive and cathartic day away.

Love to all of you,

My Gallery

Christmas Squash

"Christmas Squash"
9" x 12"
Oil on canvas panel
Merry Christmas!

I chose this colorful squash to adorn my Thanksgiving table weeks ago.  It did that job, then got moved to a less spectacular spot, and left there with the promise to be painted.  It waited for me to find a moment—without developing a blemish or signs of aging.  We should all be so lucky. 

I don't know what kind of squash this is, but I hope to open it on a cold afternoon and bake it.  I loved the colors in the real item. I am anticipating a yellow pulp inside, but don't have any idea what surprises await.  If you know what this is can you let me know?

My DPW Gallery

God bless you, one and all.


6" x 6"
Oil on hardboard panel
I saw these three items with nothing in common but "Handles," and put them together.  I liked the reflections in the borrowed, Art Deco pitcher.  Thanks, dear friend. 

The squash is a decorative item leftover from Turkey Day.  The osage orange, which is NOT orange at all was found alongside the road. It's also called a hedge apple.  Reportedly, it's supposed to keep bugs away.  We'll see about that.

"Handles" can be seen and purchased on Dailypaintworks.com.  Or you can contact me directly, as always, via email.

Thank you for taking the time to look today.