Frozen Beneath

"Frozen Beneath"
6" x 6"
Acrylic on canvas
As if it's been "Frozen Beneath" and bulging against its stringy captors, this orb has nowhere to go, except to its new home.  

My son and his intended closed on their new home today and this series will move in with them.  Once again, metallic paint and wrinkled plastic have helped me to capture this random smattering.

This image can be seen on, but is already spoken for.

Thanks for having a look today.


6" x 6" 
Acrylic on canvas
An iridescent orb hovered in front of the ancient wall as if processing information, like reading a map. It bobbed for a moment, then departed. 

Metallic paints and lots more experimentation brought about this little gem.  It's one of three in a series.  

This piece is sold, but I wanted you to see it, anyway. 

Thank you for stopping by,

Moon Fingers

"Moon Fingers"
11" x  22"
Acrylic on panel 
Moon Fingers was a commission for a couple who wanted these colors, this texture and size.  I scooped up the ingredients, folded in a dollop of love, and let 'er rip!
This piece is not as "happenstantial" as it might appear; given the randomness of the process. Saran wrinkles surrounded a waxed paper orb. Salt peppered texture over its face, and other than that, it was a piece of cake.  Or cheese. 
Moon Fingers can be seen on in my gallery there/here.  This piece, however, is already being loved and cared-for. Don't go lookin' to buy it. But I will be happy to create a cousin or sibling for you.  Just not an identical twin. 