Chanticleer III

"Chanticleer III
6" x 6"
Oil on hardboard
I enjoyed painting this rooster's portrait. He's in nearly the same pose as the one from last night, but he wears different coloured plumage, beak and ear.  I think it's an ear. It's where I'd put an ear if I were designing a rooster. I'm fond of ears. Maybe I'll paint ears for my next series.  

I painted the background on yesterday's rooster first, then the bird. Today's bird was painted first, on a toned background, then I brushed in the background colour around the bird. Either way works. 


Chanticleer II

"Chanticleer II"
6" x 6"
Oil on hardboard 
Portraits of people are not my strong suit, but I happen to enjoy painting roosters now. Here's one a friend sent, and another will follow.  In the process, I'm feeling a lot better about my own face in the mirror.  Yikes! To look at this every day would take some getting used to. 

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