Flame Froth

"Flame Froth"

6" x 6" Alcohol Ink on Ceramic Tile 

I picked up a couple of six inch ceramic tiles at my local thrift store. The ink had colored my four inch tile from my workshop so beautifully, I wanted more.

I wiped this piece five times before liking what was happening. Turns out working on tiles is even more quirky than painting on Yupo. And titling this one was difficult, too!


4" x 4"
Alcohol Ink on Ceramic Tile
Happy Mother's Day. This looks like a something my own mother would have liked. She adored aqua. 

This is another ground I used for the alcohol ink — a four inch ceramic tile. No, it doesn't smear, but if I were to use it for, say, a coaster, I would want to spray it with a couple of coats of clear acrylic.

