Windy Peninsula

"Windy Peninsula"
8" x 10"
Oil on hardboard

The wind that afternoon floated me to interesting places without much effort. I sped past a bed of water lilies in full bloom, rendering their photos a blurred mess. But as I was ready to round this peninsula wind from two directions stopped me here in front of this narrow strip of land. 

I have a favorite brush for painting pine trees.  It's not particularly expensive, or of high quality like my British Rosemary & Co. brushes. Nor is it as inexpensive as my cut-up sponge pieces, yet it paints the limbs on pines with a finesse that I've sought for years.  

Thank you for drifting by today. 

Reservoir Pond Island

"Reservoir Pond Island"
16" x 20"
Oil on panel 
Reservoir Pond is in Wisconsin. It's where I kayaked for the first time, shot waterlilies from inches away, saw eagles and circled this little island at least twice with my toy poodle on my lap.  

Go north for the fall colors. They're amazing. Well, they certainly were.  The dark value of pine makes a dramatic backdrop to the outrageous fashion statements of the deciduous.

Thank you, thank you for reading my blog.

My DPW Gallery