Phlox and Tulips

"Phlox and Tulips"  7" x 5"  acrylic on panel

"Phlox and Tulips"  7" x 5"  acrylic on panel

The wind blew through the garden, whipping the tulip heads about like they were watching a tennis match. The phlox, pretty much, remained stoic. Perhaps it was because they were against a wall, or maybe they just didn't like... tennis.

This one wears a lot more paint than I normally put on a canvas. I couldn't decide, then when I did, it got thicker and thicker. It is definitely not my thinnest work. 


Acrylic on canvas panel, 8" x 6"

This must be one of those perfect springs for foxgloves. I've been to the Chicago Botanic Gardens twice in the past month and have been treated to a display of beauty I've not witnessed there before.  I have more reference photos of these spiked plants from this year alone, than all the years I've been documenting flower gardens.

How fortunate for me!  Plants like this are my favorites to paint. AND this style of garden painting is one I will be teaching in my knife workshop in Chippewa Falls in about ten days. If you're in the area and interested, let me know. I may still have room in my class.