Satiny Smooth

"Satiny Smooth"
4" x 4"
Pastel on gessoed board
I've enjoyed painting some of the iconic images of the season, so here's another gift of holiday cheer for... you. Perhaps I'll find a moment to do one or two more, but for this twenty-third day of December, I wanted to post something festive and loving. 

This was done on Aquabord with clear gesso painted AND sanded lightly. It's a great surface to paint on. I plan to do more on this surface.


The Colors of Winter

"The Colors of Winter"
6" x 6"
Oil on canvas panel

Winter in my neighborhood tends to become a blend of grays, so when I saw this frozen pond with willows and a pine tree with gray as a minor player, I stopped to photograph it. The cardinal did not land there, but I did see geese coming in to roost under the willows as I left.  

This isn't as tight as some of my pieces, but it captures the essence of the late afternoon.  And the pond is actually on the grounds of the former site of Ducks Unlimited in Long Grove, Illinois. 

Thanks for looking. 