Another View

"Another View"
4" x 6"
Watercolor on Yupo
When I rode a horse around Ghost Ranch — yes, I said "ride a horse,"   I was able to get closer to the formations than while on a wheeled vehicle. I loved being in the open air as much as I was on this trip. The silence, the purity of the air, the spiritual cleansing brought me to tears more often than I thought possible.  

This is the painting I gave to the hotel manage as a thank you for taking a chance on letting us paint in the new conference center.  


Hopes and Dreams

"Hopes and Dreams"
6" x 9"
Watercolor on Yupo
In preparation for my visit to Ghost Ranch in New Mexico, I'll be doing a series of landscape sketches to capture the essence of the sky, rocks and vegetation. I'm unaccustomed to the shapes and colors of the subject matter, so I need to figure it all out. 

Put it down, let it puddle or play with it. It doesn't seem to matter. I can move paint around for the day if I want to with this "paper." It's fun to play, but I need to think about the economy of strokes and time spent on a … sketch.
