First Rose of Summer

"First Rose of Summer"  20" x16"  Oil on wrapped canvas 

The white roses are blooming, but they've been beaten and bruised by the heavy rains at the Botanic Gardens.  When I was there on Thursday, I found this one under shelter. She was sensual and beautifully fragrant next to a building. There were plenty of buds, so there will be more to photograph as the summer progresses. And it finally seems to be here!  

I hadn't painted a rose in a long time. I was hankering to tackle one when I realized how beautiful my photo was, so I started her last night and finished her today. Painting her was as comfortable as being with an old friend. I just knew intuitively where to begin. 

This rose, if she doesn't sell first, will be in a solo exhibit I have scheduled for the month of September. It will feature roses and chocolates, so you'll be seeing more of these and several new chocolate paintings. 
